The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 311 Looking Stunning Today

~ University of Imperial Knights ~

Jade and her friends thought Sophia was absent today. They even made fun of her absence, telling each other that she got sick after going on a date with Marcus.

"Hey, Jade, do you think Marcus succeeded last Saturday? What if Marcus tried to sleep with her just to win the bet and Sophia got sick because of that? What an easy girl she is if that really happens?!" Nyka shared her speculation with them.

"Maybe that\'s the reason why Marcus refused to tell you what happened? Is he embarrassed that he slept with a nerdy boring girl like Sophia?" Emma also commented.

Jade rolled her eyes skyward after hearing Nyka\'s and Emma\'s speculations.

"Girls, what did you eat this morning? Your imagination is running wild. My brother is not that kind of jerk. I think he will try to win her trust first before doing something like that."

"Oh, and please lower your voice. Our classmates might hear us. What if someone will tell Sophia about this? Then our plan will be ruined!" Jade added, reminding her friends.

Jade\'s last words made Emma and Nyka laugh quite hard.

"My friend, you don\'t have to worry about that. Even if our classmates overhear our conversation, no one will try to approach Sophia. They are on our sides. Who dare betray the Queen of this Class A?" Nyka said confidently. She was referring to Jade as the Queen of their class.

Sophia might be the smartest in their class but she was an outcast. On the other hand, Jade and her friends were the Stars of these class because of their beauty and wealth.

Compared to the three of them, Sophia was just nothing. That\'s what Nyka and Emma were thinking at that moment.

They were used to being treated by their classmates as the most important personalities in their class. They were receiving lots of praises and admiration from others. Because of that, they became conceited and self-centered, thinking that the world only revolved for them.

They were thinking too highly of themselves that they were belittling Sophia\'s capability just because of her physical appearance. They were good in front of her but backstabbing her when she\'s not around.

They were even throwing her different insults, talking bad about Sophia as being an ordinary girl from an average family who was just able to attend this prestigious university because of her brain. All brains but no charms at all!

But unknown to them, everything would change starting today. Who would have thought that the ugly duckling they were belittling would turn into a beautiful swan?

It did not take long when the Mathematics Professor arrived the session hall. He was the most strict professor among the professors of the third year Class A. There was a complete silence when he entered the class.

He was a middle-aged man, wearing thick eyeglasses. Just one look from him could intimidate and frighten the students. Even the charms of the prettiest girl in the class won\'t work on him.

This was one of the reasons why Jade and others were trying to do anything just to pass this subject. And the only person who could help them was Sophia.

They couldn\'t afford to fail because once they failed they had to repeat and take this subject and this professor would be their teacher all over again.

They all wanted to escape this hell so they had to do everything just to pass this subject even if it meant to take advantage of Sophia or even blackmail her in the end just to get what they wanted from her.

They didn\'t care if they would end up hurting Sophia. All they cared about was themselves, their gains, and the benefits that they could get from her. They never hesitated planning and strategizing their evil scheme against Sophia for the upcoming Acquaintance Party.

"Argh, here we go again with our scary looking Mathematics Professor," Emma whined at her friends in a very low voice.

"I wish we have the History Professor of First-Year Class A. Did you hear that their new History Professor is very gorgeous?" Nyka started to gossip with them. She was referring to Liam.

Jade gave them a warning look. "Keep quiet. Our class is about to start. Do you want to receive a scolding from Professor X?"

They called him Professor X because their Mathematics professor looked like Professor X from the movie X-Men.

Their Professor was now standing in front, holding his class records. It was his habit to check student\'s attendance first before proceeding to his discussion.

The professor started calling their names one by one. The men who were talking about their \'new classmate\' were wondering why their professor didn\'t mention or introduce first their new classmate before checking their attendance.

"Did he forget about our new classmate?" One guy whispered on his seatmate.

His classmate had no idea as well so he just shrugged his shoulders, saying: "Maybe he forgot about her. Or he will introduce her to us after checking our attendance. If not, then we should remind our professor to introduce to us that lovely classmate of ours."

The other guy nodded in agreement. "That\'s true. I am very eager to know her name."

The two men glanced at the back to see their beautiful classmate whom they thought was a new transferee. She was busy reading her notes. After staring at her intently, the two men wondered why she looked very familiar.

Almost half of the class was called when the professor called Sophia\'s name. Nyka was about to tell him she\'s absent when a familiar voice was heard, coming from the back.

"Present, Sir."

Everyone averted their gaze at the source of that voice.

"Eh, she sounds like Sophia, our nerdy classmate." One of the students said.

Even the professor was taken aback for a moment after seeing the person who just spoke up.

"Miss Sophia?" He asked her again to confirm. He even fixed his eyeglasses as he assessed Sophia\'s appearance.

"Yes,sir. It\'s me. Sophia."

"Oh, looking so good and stunning today, Miss Sophia," The professor smiled at her as he finally recognized his favorite student.

Jade: "..."

Nyka: "..."

Emma: "..."

Everyone: "..."

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