Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 196 - The Fox Won't Play Games, The Wolf Likes The Wise Prince

Chapter 196 – The Fox Won’t Play Games, The Wolf Likes The Wise Prince

Chu Yun stared at Chu Hean\'s familiar face and shook his head with a sigh. "I don\'t need you to tell me that kind of thing." 

Chu Hean\'s face fell. He had really believed that the promise of telling him Ru Long\'s plans would really impact his decision in either way.

It almost made Chu Yun feel sorry for him. His relationship with Ru Long must have been badly shaken, if he was willing to sell him out. And if he was planning on lying to Chu Yun he must really be overestimating just how guilable he was.

  Either way, Chu Hean\'s fears had made him overlook something essential.

"Whatever I tell him, Lieba Chun won\'t marry you if you don\'t want to," Chu Yun said, softening his tone so it didn\'t sound as much like an accusation as it felt.

Predictably, Chu Hean glared at him. "What makes you so sure of that? He came all this way didn\'t he?"

"Because you told him to! Because you told him he needed my permission to marry you!" He couldn\'t keep the frustration off his voice any longer. "If you had been direct with him, you would never have ended up in this situation."

Chu Hean kept glaring at him, but Chu Yun noticed that he didn\'t disagree in any way. He didn\'t knew when Chu Hean became so averse to direct confrontation that he was unable to do anything that didn\'t involve subterfuge and dissimulation.

  "Let\'s go," Chu Yun said, with a shake of his head towards the door. "We\'ve been here long enough, and you won\'t make me lie to a person who approached us with honesty and stated his intentions clearly."

Chu Hean scoffed. "Everything is about politics with you, you\'re always looking for the angle that can help you further your agenda."

"And what about you? Why bring him here? Forget the shit about telling me Ru Long\'s plans, the truth is that you came here hoping to manipulate me. You wanted to take advantage of our bond as brothers, and my own regret over what has become of us to make me do your dirty work for you." 

Now he was openly glaring at Chu Hean, unable to hold himself back. "If you\'re old enough to carry out an assassin contract against Lieba Chun, then you\'re old enough to tell him you don\'t want to marry him yourself!"

Xiao Zai had feared that things would become unbearably awkward the moment Chu Yun and Chu Hean left but the truth was that Lieba Chun was surprisingly easy to talk to.

He was polite, funny, and freely admitted not knowing much about Zui, which allowed Xiao Zai to admit the same about the Xiongnu and to ask whatever questions he wanted. Which Lieba Chun replied in turn, very candidly, as far as Xiao Zai could tell.

They weren\'t necessarily discussing state secrets, and kept only to generalist cultural aspects, but it still felt like Lieba Chun was extending him a courtesy that Xiao Zai felt obliged to return.

It really was a shame that Chu Hean was such a poisonous viper, because Xiao Zai would really have liked to form some kind of alliance with Lieba Chun — even if it didn\'t inolve the Xiongnu\'s prised warhorses. 

He really didn\'t understand what drew such a seemingly nice and normal man to someone as temperamental as Chu Hean.

"I hope the Wise Prince can forgive my forwardness, but," Xiao Zai started, tentative even as Lieba Chun nodded letting him know he should go on, "Aren\'t you curious to know the reason why Chu Hean attempted to assassinate you?"

Lieba Chun laughed heartily and filled his cup with wine, downing it with a pleased smack of his lips. "Good wine." 

Xiao Zai signalled a servant to fill up his cup again, Lieba Chun drunk that cup and then another, before finally turning towards Xiao Zai with an answer. "He told me that despite his status as a Prince\'s son he fulfils duties as an assassin for some kind of organisation."

Xiao Zai was surprised that Chu Hean had admitted half that much, and only nodded in silence.

"He told me he doesn\'t know who files the contracts, and it\'s not in his interest to care. I believe him. An assassin can\'t afford to feel disgust for his client\'s aims, or pity towards his targets."

That was all very well and good, but it still meant someone had paid a considerable sum to get rid of Lieba Chun. Speaking of which…did that mean that Harmonious Resonance was beholden to fulfil the contract anyway, despite Chu Hean\'s failure?

"But someone still wants the Wise Prince dead."

Lieba Chun laughed again. "There are a select few that would stand to profit from my death, and this was hardly the first attempt," he smirked, thinking of something, "although all others didn\'t involve such charming assassins."

Xiao Zai hoped his grimace could pass for a bewildered smile. He had a very hard time thinking about Chu Hean in any positive terms, although he also wasn\'t in any hurry to tell Chu Yun that.

"Chu Hean, can be…difficult," Xiao Zai said, lamely. A raging asshole didn\'t seem appropriate.

Lieba Chun nodded seriously. "He has a strong temper, that\'s a good thing. There is nothing us Xiongnu despise more than meekness. I can see that your husband, his brother, also has a strong character, I\'m sure your child will be determined and fierce." He raised a cup to Xiao Zai. "To both their health."

Xiao Zai accompanied him on the toast, feeling a little insulted on Chu Yun\'s behalf. Just as they put down their cups, Chu Yun and Chu Hean rejoined them, sitting down at their previous seats without a word.

Lieba Chun turned towards Chu Yun with an expectant smile. "So, what has his Royal Highness decided?"

Chu Yun spared only a brief glance at Chu Hean before saying. "I think the Wise Prince would make a great husband for my brother, and I have no objections to the union." 

Lieba Chun laughed triumphantly and smacked the top of the table with a winning smile, but Chu Yun wasn\'t done talking. "However, the decision is ultimately his, and I won\'t attempt to change his mind."

He raised an expectant eyebrow at Chu Hean, who looked between him and Lieba Chun before admitting, "I\'m afraid I\'ll have to decline the Wise Prince\'s proposal," he paused, looking uneasy, "my heart belongs to another."

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