Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 180 - The Fox Is Offended (NSFW)

Chu Yun\'s heart rabbited wildly inside his chest. 

Part of him couldn\'t believe those words had just left his mouth. His head was clouded with lust, his thoughts were slow and syrupy like honey, but he still knew what he had said, and he knew it couldn\'t be taken back.

Xiao Zai licked a strip over the back of his neck, over the scent glands, right where he\'d bite Chu Yun. Chu Yun closed his eyes and shivered in anticipation, but the sharp sting of teeth never came.

He was left poised on the knife\'s edge of anticipation for a breathless moment, before Xiao Zai pulled away from his neck and fucked harshly into him. 

"Thank you."

Before Chu Yun could give voice to his indignity, Xiao Zai snapped his hips against him, shoving his cock deep inside his battered hole, rubbing right against his prostate on the slide in. His elbows gave out and he fell with his face between his arms, shivering from the intensity of the feeling.

He could feel starbursts of light going off behind his eyelids, signalling his approaching orgasm.

Xiao Zai too sped up the force of his thrusts, fucking into him madly, stripping Chu Yun\'s cock to the rhythm of his thrusts.

"Mark me already," Chu Yun growled into his arms, although it sounded more like a muffled whine.

Xiao Zai ignored him and kept fucking into him with abandon, jostling him with the strength of the harsh fucking. Chu Yun could feel the thread of his sanity unwinding as Xiao Zai pushed him further and further into madness. 

The only coherent thought swimming around in the soup of his mind was: \'why isn\'t Xiao Zai marking me?\'

Did he not want to?

Maybe it was him who didn\'t want Chu Yun as much as Chu Yun wanted him.


He wouldn\'t dare.

Not after everything Chu Yun had given him. 

His tails, which had previously been flattened sideways and out of the way to give Xiao Zai unrestricted access to his body and an unimpeded view of Chu Yun\'s back, rose up in alarm at the same way time Chu Yun pushed Xiao Zai away with his foot.

Xiao Zai slipped out of him with a startled grunt. Chu Yun took advantage of his confusion to push him onto his back, and climb on top of him.

He still hadn\'t gotten his bearings when Chu Yun sunk down on his cock. 

"Now you don\'t want to mark me all of a sudden, is that it?" Chu Yun hissed, wrapping a hand around Xiao Zai\'s neck. 

Anger had cleared up his mind, despite the lust still clouding his thoughts and guiding his body in a primal rhythm against Xiao Zai\'s. The throne room was huge, large enough to fit hundreds of people, and yet Chu Yun could swear they had filled it up with their combined scents. 

Each time he inhaled he smelled Xiao Zai\'s intoxicating wolfberry wine scent, mingled with his own pine and orchid. He didn\'t know how to described their combined fragrances other than, right. The combination of their pheromones smelled right to him.

And he was going to make Xiao Zai realise that too.

He could feel himself inching closer towards orgasm each time Xiao Zai\'s cock pressed against his prostate, but he wanted Xiao Zai to come first. Chu Yun himself didn\'t want to come again until Xiao Zai\'s knot had gone down.

But he had to make it happen fast. He grit his teeth and tightened his channel around Xiao Zai\'s cock on the next downwards push. "Does it feel good inside me?"

Xiao Zai let out a choked gasp, Chu Yun slackened the grip on his throat enough to let him answer. "Perfect."

Chu Yun gave him a look of superiority. "Remember I\'m granting you a privilege."

The blue of Xiao Zai\'s wolf eyes was almost gone, reduced to a thin circle from the inky spill of his pupils. He could only nod dumbly, gaze fixed on the arrogant curve of Chu Yun\'s lips, the way his tails fanned behind him as if framing him in white fur.

Chu Yun knew it would take very little to push him over the edge. He tightened his grip on Xiao Zai\'s neck and sped up the rocking of his hips. 

"You think I\'d let just anyone cum inside me?"

Xiao Zai gasped, his fingers flexing on Chu Yun\'s thighs. Chu Yun could feel the knot at the root of his cock.

He steeled himself for what he was about to say. "You think I\'d let just anyone breed me?"

Xiao Zai pushed him down fully on his cock, forcing his knot inside him just as he started coming with an overwhelmed groan. He kept one hand hooked around Chu Yun\'s hip and pulled him down into a messy kiss.

He tried to wrap his hand around Chu Yun\'s painfully hard cock, but Chu Yun slapped him away. "No, I have other things in mind."

Xiao Zai was too out of it to ask any questions, and Chu Yun indulged him with kisses and lazy petting while waiting for his knot to go down. The moment it did, he climbed off Xiao Zai\'s cock on unsteady legs. Xiao Zai keened at the loss.

Chu Yun helped him up, tsking at the way Xiao Zai\'s tail almost wagged. 

Before Xiao Zai could do or say anything Chu Yun sat down on the throne, legs spread wide.


Xiao Zai did, looking almost transfixed.

Chu Yun cupped the back of his neck with one hand and pushed his face towards his cock. "Open up, your Majesty." 

Their eyes met, Xiao Zai gave Chu Yun a heated look from beneath his lashes as he opened his mouth and took him down into his throat.

The wet heat of Xiao Zai\'s mouth felt blissful around his cock. Chu Yun scratched one of Xiao Zai\'s wolf ears with a contented sigh. 

"I\'m going to teach you to never reject my generosity again."

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