Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 398 Sudden Situation

Alice sat in a small makeshift office within the outpost, surrounded by stacks of reports and files from various units scattered across Paradiso. Her brow furrowed as she meticulously read through the detailed accounts of Unit-075\'s encounter with the Nightmare Incarnate. The descriptions and accompanying photographs painted a grim picture of a creature that defied comprehension.

She studied the images, the grotesque form of the abomination etched into her mind. Its wispy, shadowy presence evoked a sense of dread, its malevolence palpable even through the photographs. The sight sent a chill down her spine, and a sense of unease settled within her.

As Alice delved deeper into the reports, she realized that Unit-075\'s encounter was not an isolated incident. Her heart sank as she read about similar encounters experienced by other units in the past few weeks. The reports told tales of brutal skirmishes and casualties suffered at the hands of this mysterious entity.

The worry within Alice grew like a gnawing ache in her chest. It was clear that the Nightmare Incarnate was not a singular occurrence, but a recurring threat that loomed over Humanity\'s forces. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her shoulders.

She leaned back in her chair, contemplating the implications of these encounters. The reports indicated that the Nightmare Incarnate was not a mere anomaly but a formidable adversary that had already claimed lives. Alice understood the urgency of the situation; they couldn\'t afford to dismiss it as mere happenstance.

As the gravity of the threat settled upon her, Alice\'s determination hardened. She knew that their enemy was not limited to the Celestials and Hypogeans. There was something far more sinister lurking within Paradiso, a presence that struck fear into the hearts of their soldiers. It was a new and unpredictable variable that needed to be addressed.

With a resolute expression, Alice set aside the reports, knowing that action needed to be taken. She would make it her mission to gather more information, uncover the true nature of the Nightmare Incarnate, and find a way to combat it. Humanity\'s forces had already endured so much in this war, and she was determined to ensure that they had the best possible chance of survival.

Taking a deep breath, Alice reached for her communicator, preparing to initiate a briefing with the higher ranks. It was time to bring attention to this hidden threat, rally their forces, and devise a plan to protect their soldiers and secure victory in this war. The shadows of Paradiso held many secrets, and Alice was resolved to unveil them, no matter the cost.

Alice\'s communicator buzzed, signaling an incoming call. She quickly tapped the screen to answer, and to her surprise, she saw the faces of Blake and Mary, stationed at Inferno, appearing on the holographic display.

"Blake, Mary," Alice greeted them with a mix of surprise and concern. "What\'s going on? I wasn\'t expecting a call from Inferno."

Blake\'s voice carried a note of urgency. "Alice, we need to talk. We\'ve been facing some... unusual encounters here. It\'s similar to what Unit-075 experienced in Paradiso."

Alice\'s eyebrows furrowed deeper. "Are you saying you\'ve encountered the Nightmare Incarnate too? The same creature that Unit-075 reported?"

Mary chimed in, her voice filled with tension. "Yes, Alice. It attacked our forces, and we suffered casualties as well. It\'s not just an isolated incident. We believe this creature poses a significant threat."

Alice\'s mind raced, connecting the dots. The fact that the Nightmare Incarnate had made its presence known in both Paradiso and Inferno was deeply unsettling. It meant that this malignant force was not confined to a single location or realm.

"I\'ve received reports from other units in Paradiso as well," Alice revealed, her voice laced with concern. "It seems that the Nightmare Incarnate has been haunting multiple regions. This can\'t be a coincidence. We need to find out more about this creature and how to combat it."

Blake nodded, his expression grim. "Agreed. We can\'t ignore this any longer. We need to pool our resources and gather as much information as we can. Our forces are facing enough challenges as it is. We can\'t afford to have this additional threat lurking in the shadows."

Mary\'s voice carried a sense of determination. "We\'re compiling our own data and reports here. We\'ll share everything we have with you, Alice. We need to uncover the truth behind this creature, its origins, and any weaknesses it may have."

Alice nodded a resolute expression on her face. "Thank you, both of you. We\'re in this together. We\'ll coordinate our efforts and work towards neutralizing this threat. We can\'t let the Nightmare Incarnate claim any more lives."

As the call ended, Alice felt a renewed sense of purpose. The knowledge that this malignant presence plagued not only Paradiso but also Inferno reinforced the urgency to uncover its secrets. She was determined to combine the information from both realms, to understand the true nature of the Nightmare Incarnate, and find a way to defeat it.

With a steely resolve, Alice set to work, reaching out to the intelligence teams and strategists, and initiating a joint effort between Paradiso and Inferno. They would gather every piece of information, analyze it meticulously, and formulate a comprehensive plan to confront the Nightmare Incarnate head-on.

Humanity\'s fight for survival had just become even more complex, but Alice was determined to ensure that they faced this new threat with unwavering unity and resilience. The nightmare may have darkened their path, but together, they would find a way to reclaim their future.


Alice suddenly felt something weird.

She was still in her office in this little outpost, compiling reports and trying to gather more information about this variable when it happened.

As Alice\'s heart pounded in her chest, she couldn\'t shake the feeling that something sinister was drawing closer. Her senses heightened, and she became acutely aware of the oppressive atmosphere surrounding her as if the very air had grown heavy with malevolence. It was weird since nothing has made her feel this way since arriving here. So, it could only mean one thing then...

Something was coming...

The soldiers around her exchanged nervous glances, their hands tightening around their weapons. They too could sense the encroaching presence, their instincts on high alert. The camp, once bustling with activity, now fell into an uneasy silence.

Then, as if summoned by their trepidation, a deep and guttural roar pierced the stillness, resonating through the night. The sound reverberated with a primal force, rattling the soldiers to their core. The source of the roar seemed to be just beyond the camp\'s perimeter, concealed within the darkness.

Alice\'s eyes narrowed her grip on her sword tightening as she prepared for the worst. Without hesitation, she took charge, issuing swift orders to her fellow soldiers, and directing them to fortify the camp\'s defenses.

"Secure the perimeter! Keep your eyes sharp and your weapons at the ready!" she commanded, her voice cutting through the tension.

As the soldiers spread out, creating a defensive ring around the camp, Alice stepped forward, her gaze fixed on the surrounding shadows. With every passing moment, the malignant presence grew stronger, its aura permeating the air, suffocating and suffusing the camp with an aura of dread.

Then, in the distance, she caught a glimpse of movement—a flicker of darkness, fleeting yet unmistakable. Alice\'s heart skipped a beat as her instincts screamed a warning. Without a second thought, she drew her sword, its blade shimmering in the moonlight.

Silence descended upon the camp, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in the wind. And then, as if materializing from the very fabric of the night, two hulking figures emerged.

As the soldiers scrambled to secure the perimeter, Alice stood at the forefront, her grip on her sword tightening. Her instincts heightened, and she scanned the surroundings, searching for the source of the malignant presence that had infiltrated their camp.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling roar shattered the air, causing the soldiers to flinch. The sound reverberated with primal power, filling the night with an aura of dread. Alice\'s gaze snapped in the direction of the roar, her eyes narrowing as she saw two dark figures emerge from the shadows.

The Nightmare Incarnates had arrived.

The first Nightmare Incarnate stood tall, towering over ten feet, its grotesque form twisting and writhing with eldritch energy. Its body was shrouded in a swirling mass of dark mist, tendrils of darkness snaking and coiling around its hulking frame. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent crimson, piercing through the darkness like fiery beacons of destruction.

The second Nightmare Incarnate, slightly smaller but no less menacing, possessed a more ethereal appearance. Its body seemed ephemeral as if composed of shadow and smoke. It moved with an unsettling grace, gliding through the air, leaving a trail of inky blackness in its wake. Its eyes gleamed with a haunting, otherworldly light, as if reflecting the depths of a sinister abyss.

As the Nightmare Incarnates approached, the soldiers readied their weapons, their faces etched with determination mixed with trepidation. Alice, undeterred by the looming threat, stepped forward, her sword gleaming in the moonlight.

"Stand firm!" she commanded, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "We face the Nightmare Incarnates head-on! Protect our camp and push back these abominations!"

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