Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 185 Unfriendly People

The group looked up only to see several silhouettes hovering above them.

All of them wore cloaks that hid their features, but judging from the aura radiating from them, it is very unlikely that they showed here just to congratulate them for dealing with the Black Fog.

"Who are you and what do you want from us?" Alice stepped forward and asked.

From the way she stood, it was clear that she was on guard. Deep within her heart, she could tell, these people - whoever they were, weren\'t friendly at all. This isn\'t her being judgemental, every cell on her body screams danger whenever she looks at them.

Unfortunately, they\'ve just been in a long and arduous fight. They weren\'t in a state for more battle. Alice herself feel exhausted, she could barely feel her legs and her arms. She knows that it\'s the same for the rest, save perhaps Ashton. That is why if she can solve this diplomatically, then she would.

The silhouettes dropped to the ground, gently like a falling feather. One took a step forward and removed the hood covering their face.

What greeted them was a face of a woman with bizarre looks. Her platinum blonde hair was braided into thick locks which looped around her head, like some sort of a crown.

Her face was pale, her eyes were pure white as well as her lashes. Her lips were covered with a silver tint and underneath her cloak, she was wearing a rather provocative outfit. She has tribal tattoos across her face and all over her body.

Alice and Mary had never seen this woman before. On the other hand, Blake seems to be remembering something as Ashton watched with rapt interest as the scene unfolds.

"Don\'t be afraid, child." She said using a sweet and alluring voice. "We do not wish to harm you or any of you for that matter. We merely wish to have an audience with you."

"If it\'s an audience that you want, then you have it. There is no need to come any closer."

It was Blake who said this, stepping in front of Alice. His stance was too defensive and protective as if he truly doesn\'t take kindly to these strangers.

From the group, someone else stepped forward with a grunt, seemingly offended by Blake\'s tune. However, the white-eyed woman prevented that, giving a silent side gaze to send her message.

She then looked at them once more and said:

"We do not wish to harm any of you. We simply wanted to talk. If you could give us a chance, then that would be much appreciated."

"Speak then, what is it that you want from us?" Alice asked. Earning a subtle glare from Blake.

Alice was a bit surprised by that. She didn\'t understand why Blake was being so defensive all of a sudden. And why does it seem like he didn\'t want her to entertain their requests? Mary was at a loss too.

However, despite Blake\'s obvious objection, Alice had already given her word. And that was enough for the white-eyed woman to continue speaking.

"We simply wish to bring you back to our place, our elder sent us here to come and get you. I promise you no harm, we can even swear to the very heavens that we will not cause you nor your people any harm at all so long as you fulfill our request."

"Yeah, that\'s not happening." Blake grunted.

"Blake!" Alice held his arm, fearing that he was being too forward and aggressive.

"Don\'t listen to them. This is a trap, can you not see that?" Blake looked at her and said this with a frustrated tone.

"We do not wish to harm the child, kind gentleman." The white-eyed woman iterated.

"Say that again once you stop salivating over her flesh!" Blake stressed out.

"Do you take me for an idiot? How am I supposed to believe any of you when I could clearly see you drooling as you look at her? \'We don\'t wish to harm the child\' my foot!!" Blake gnashed his teeth due to the overwhelming shamelessness of these people to spout such bullshit in front of them.

Alice and Mary looked distressed, as it turns out, Blake\'s words were true. The white-eyed woman— no, not just her, everybody in their group, was staring at Alice while drooling. Eyeing her like a delicate piece of meat.

The worst part is that they\'re not even trying to hide it. Even after Blake pointed that out, they didn\'t make any effort to appear even remotely embarrassed at all. They were still staring at her, which caused Alice to feel disgusted and defiled by the way they were all looking at her.

"We truly wish the child no harm—"

"Oh shut the hell up, Sister!"

Someone from the cloaked group interjected, stepping forward in the process.

"Jigs up, anyway! Let\'s not bother with pretenses anymore. I\'m starving! It\'s been so long since I\'ve tasted some fresh delicacy like this one!"

This one aggressively peeled off the cloak hiding their face. And what greeted them, was the face of a demon with horns and all.

This one has three pairs of eyes, it\'s horns were big enough to form a crown on top of its head. It has fangs protruding out of its mouth and was clearly drooling.

All of its eyes were traced on Alice as if she was all it could see.

"Hey, girlie. Come with us. Don\'t make this difficult because it will not turn out well for any of you. Though if you insist...I do enjoy hunting for my prey, they always turn out tastier after a good chase, hehehe..."

The others didn\'t bother with their cloaks anymore. As this one said, there\'s no need for pretenses anymore. They\'re already exposed so they might as well own it.

"Girlie, if I were you, I\'d come peacefully while the chance is still there. Our promise still stands. So long as you come with us willingly, no harm shall befall your people. I\'d advise you to think fast because unlike me, my siblings are running out of patience."

Another one from the same group said. Her words were a bit misleading, especially since this one was also openly drooling at Alice as they said that.

Alice felt so disgusted that she felt her skin wanting to crawl out of her body. She never felt so defiled in her entire life.

She doesn\'t understand. Why is this happening? Why are they eyeing her like a piece of delicacy? What did she ever do? And why her specifically?

"I call dibs on the breasts."

"Dibs on the thighs."

"Reserve the feet for me please."

"Ribs for me."

"These sick fucks!" Blake cursed angrily as they shamelessly continued their disgusting act toward Alice.

He was not actively shielding Alice\'s body with his, trying to hide her from their perverted gazes. Mary also stepped forward despite looking pale herself. She too couldn\'t endure such disrespect towards her friend anymore.

"Hey, you two! Move out of the way, will you? Don\'t make me do it, you\'ll get hurt!" The six-eyed demon angrily complained.

"Fuck you!" Blake glared at them.

"Enough of this!" Someone from the hostile group snarled. "I can\'t endure it anymore. I\'m so hungry!"

All of a sudden, that one appeared right next to them, standing so close to Alice with arms stretched out.

"Shit!" Blake cursed as he was one step too late to react.

Flashes of his miserable past flashed before his eyes as he slowly saw the arms reaching out to grab Alice. He roared in his heart desperately, wanting, wishing for time itself to stop just so that he can intercept this.

Unfortunately, that didn\'t happen...


A shockwave suddenly occurred, causing the ground to shake. The impact caused the trio to fly back several meters away from the blast.

When the cloud of smoke cleared, they finally saw what happened.

It was Ashton to made a move. Intercepting the demon\'s stretched-out hand with a hand of his own.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." Ashton clicked his tongue three times while shaking his head. "That\'s not the proper way to treat a lady, you naughty one."

"Hmm? What\'s this? Human? Let me go, I don\'t have time to bother with you."

The demon attempted to pull his hand away but surprisingly, it couldn\'t. Ashton\'s grip was way too tight and he was surprisingly sturdy despite the demon being bulkier in frame compared to him.

"My, an impatient one too. I believe that this kind of attitude deserves some good spanking!"

Ashton chuckled as he clicked his fingers toward his friends, whispering: "Stasis."

There was a flash of light and then, the trio suddenly turned into golden statues. Unable to move even a single muscle but still aware of their surroundings.

"Human! What did you do!? Answer me!?"

The demon in his grip complained as if greatly inconvenienced.

"Oh, that? Nothing much really. Just some protection spell to prevent your crusty hands from touching them."

"You dare to interfere!? Human, I will kill you!!"

"Oh come on, don\'t be like that. I just wanted to play with you, big guy. Don\'t be mad!" Ashton laughed despite the obvious threat.

"Now, would any of you Revenants care to tell little ol\' me who leaked our schedule?"

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